All Genres



Skin In The Game
Man's Search for Meaning
Atlas Shrugged
The Courage To Be Disliked
The Obstacle Is the Way
The Fountainhead
What We Owe the Future
A Guide To The Good Life
12 Rules For Life
The Four Agreements
The Happiness Hypothesis
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
The Art of War
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Conscious Business
The Evolution of Everything
The Republic
The God Delusion
The Prophet
Letters from a Stoic
Status Anxiety
Zen Mind, Beginners Mind
Finite and Infinite Games
More Human
René Girard's Mimetic Theory
Spiritual Enlightenment, the Damnedest Thing
Seeking Wisdom
Essays and Lectures
The Gift of Good Land
How To Live
A Universe From Nothing
Waking Up
The Story of Philosophy
Falling into Grace
What is Life?
The Last Lecture
How Will You Measure Your Life?
The Soul of the World
Beyond Good and Evil
Die With Zero
The Wisdom of Life
The Road to Character
Anthropic Bias
Three Scientists and Their Gods
A Short Guide to a Happy Life
Personal Knowledge
In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government
Law, Legislation, and Liberty
A Conflict of Visions
Knowledge and Decisions
Beyond Religion
The Meaning of Human Existence
The New Atlantis
The Aeneid
Mohandas K. Ghandi
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Being With Dying
Lessons for the Living
Civilized to Death
The Art of Living and Dying
Zen in the Art of Archery
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha
Spiritual Warfare
Striking Thoughts
The Book of Life
Sun Rises in the Evening
Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic
Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart
The Gay Science
Total Freedom
Think on These Things
The Great Challenge
The Essential Writings
Fallen Leaves
Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment
The Enchiridion
Tao of Philosophy
The Bed of Procrustes
The Trial of Socrates
The Making of a Philosopher
I Think, Therefore I Laugh
The Dream of Reason
Explaining Social Behavior
Confessions of a Philosopher
Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar
On Bullshit
If I Could Tell You Just One Thing
Montaigne's Essays
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
Dying Every Day: Seneca at the Court of Nero
Walter Benjamin
The Infidel and the Professor
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